We ran a really big ad campaign today, so hopefully we have plenty of new readers! If you’re reading this, and you’re new, we’d love for you to comment. Even if you only do it THIS ONCE, it will make us feel all happy.
Here’s a little secret: Ecta really does enjoy being a ghost sometimes.
But as it turns out, starch stiffens ectoplasm too… who knew?
This is your one comment from me AbscondWithAPIE, spend it well
It was nice knowing you!
That’s an…interesting…grin on his face at the end there. Also, love the “Pocket Dig”.
Mannn that was just supposed to be an honest grin of pride, so I’m just going to attribute the creepy overtones to Blank being a weirdo and not to the fact that I can’t draw the darn kid >__>
I dun get it :c
Why does it bother them so much?
I wonder how he got that too. A previous dungeon reward? :3
Well, starch is used to thicken and stiffen things, like collars for instance, or paper in its production, etc. So we thought a good heavy poof of it might stiffen up ectoplasm for a while as well.
You can even use starch to make these cute ghosties! http://www.marthastewart.com/how-to/cheesecloth-ghosts (Which I found when I was trying to ascertain whether someone had beaten us to this idea… I don’t think so).
Bank y u look so creepy!
So ghost have a weakness to starch eh? What happens if you iron them?
Sister indingsib
I mean, he DOES have a lot of ides…
Yes bank. Its blanks dark self lol
Blank seems plenty dark already; I wouldn’t want to meet this Bank character without a lot of XP farming ahead of time.
The ad campaign worked. I caught up with the comic two or three days ago after clicking an ad for it on MSPA. Lovely comic you’ve got here.
Thank you so much!
Come back and talk to us whenever you feel like it!
I would not be happy if going through the shadow dungeon, I get to the dungeon item only to find starch.
Hyperspace Arsenal added to the TVTropes page! To add later: Good is Not Nice.
Nice, but I must say, what’s this about Blank having a “hammer”? =P Also, he actually doesn’t put it away in this case, but hooks it into his belt. He’d prefer to never have his sword far from reach. I just forgot to draw it in the last panel because it was 2 in the morning and I’m a huge derp. I’ll fix it as soon as I can.
magic swords say “clang” and “whoosh” all the time
and blanks’ hand say “pocket dig all the time also.
and my captcha says “n”? and oundsion
what about davis? WE WANT FIRE DAEVUS!
You’ll get your fire Davis! Did you really think we’d forget?
the starch fumer-izer must have came from a big treasure chest
did he fall in a little when he tried to pick it out of the chest?
the seem to have a trinket installed in “magic” chests that beams a ray a light out when one opens it. and plays a tune relating to the mystery of what the item is.
the effect lasts until the hero presses A about 3 or 4 times.
Groh. getssha
I shall never look at my skarva statues,swords,potted plants and starch powder gun the same way again! :[
You have Skärva statues?!
No…………………………….they’er not done baking……………………………………wait……now I do! XD
ecta possessed a plant? really? how was that going to help? unless it was poisionous or something…
I think she intended to bash the pot into Blank’s head, but couldn’t resist popping out and trying to scare him, in the end.
….. STARCH?! That’s going in a game right now.
Ack, I was going back and forth deciding if this was Hammerspace or Hyperspace Inventory. Thinking about that must’ve caused me to type hammer.
Also added: Animate Inanimate Objects
Staarrrchhh?! Not Staaaarrrchhh!
Captcha says ‘Tinstr COLOMBO.’
Captcha is so bipolar! It needs to stop yelling!
Indeed! Now it says ‘orincom Mystery’, what does it meeeaaan?
Halfway through the comic I freaked out because I thought the ghosts would beat Blank, thus ruining Skärva’s plan.
Somehow, I don’t think Skärva would care all that much, in the end. And then he could just use the love potion for himself on the princess, maybe it would work this time! (OR give it to Slice as Twi suggested.)
Pearl of wisdom: Friends are like snowflakes……if you pee on them they go away.
Thank you! What would I do without you, Manic?
You may lose them as friends, but they’re still your territory.
Ew! I should be glad you haven’t marked me yet!
That “Ugh, I hate ghosts!” from Blank is rather hard to spot. I had to read the strip a few times to figure out what “one” Ecta was referring to and finally found out what she was talking about,
Pocket dig!
constant aonalsu
I’m inclined to believe that Blank is related to Stanley the Bug Man…
And captcha would like to advertise Abram’s reatsele…
Abram’s Real Estate?
Since when does owning something similar make you related to someone?
In that case he’s related to every sword-swinger ever. But still, when Victor mentioned he should have an old-timey bug sprayer, Stanley was the first thing I thought of.
I like typing pearls of wisdom.
Anyone have resident evil the mercenaries 3D?
ARGH! Why have I had so many problems with the captcha!? I don’t even know if you’ll see this! Anyway, I’ll comment on the comic just in case. So, anyone else notice the action noise “POCKET DIG!” Does that happen every time he gets something out of his pocket? That must make stealth really hard. “Alright, now if i just get out my lockpick I ca-” “POCKET DIG!” “Hey! There he is!” “DAMNIT!”
Look, I saw it! :3
Yeah, as if stealth sections in an otherwise action-oriented game aren’t annoying enough.
Blank’s face in that last panel. That was the face I got after first getting and then trying out the Ball and Chain item in Zelda Twilight Princess. That’s my “I’m going to LOVE using THIS!” face.
Blank just got twice as awesome for that lol.
And they call Skärva the evil one?!?