Take a look, it’s in a book
on April 26, 2013 at 12:45 amCourtney:
He’s just promoting childhood literacy. I wonder what Monday’s update will be!!
In the meantime, learn about real giant salamanders.
We’ve gotten some great new fanart in the past week or so. Why don’t you check the page, if you haven’t recently? Recently I’ve been feeling you guys’ support extra strongly, and I’m so happy to have readers as responsive and funny and thoughtful as you guys. Whether it’s teaching Akinator about Skärva or just leaving a kind word, you guys convince me that Victor and I are doing the right thing by making comics, and that we should keep at it!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Ack. 4 foot 9 salamanders! That’s the same size as a contrabass trombone, according to my handy-dandy scale.
And me.
Well, I’m an inch taller. Those things could ride any roller coaster, though!
You ARE my handy-dandy scale.
I always wanted to be handy, and dandy!
I have plans to draw today, so, EXPECT SOME (hopefully) MARVELOUS SHARK-MEN AND WHAT NOT.
And I love that Skärva’s first concern is his hair. Charming~
Will the next update include flying bards?!
..wait…Reading Rainbow reference?!
Well yeah, he is exceedingly proud of it! With a face like his, it’s all the more important to have excellent hair!
Uhhh….. No.
Skarva Rainbooooooooow! (had to do it)
You guys have an awesome comic here, I hope whenever (if) I make a comic myself it’s half this great.
Pfft, that’s what I always tell myself when looking at the comics I read But thank you so much. It’s getting better all the time, too. When I feel discouraged, I go back and read through early pages for a while, then click on “last”, and the sudden improvement in art is really noticeable. With dedication and practice, great things will happen, even if it’s hard to notice the change! (And if you ever want any tips/advice, we’re here!)
That’s good to know, I’ll try to pace it well and not ask TOO many things at once. It’s really nice how you respond to so many fan comments, I’m glad this is like the first webcomic I’ve commented on a regular basis on.
Also now that I think about it, Reading Skarva Rainbow seems really appropriate for the second.
Aww poor Lorelei, that book almost seems bigger than she is.
Also, let the invasion of skärva lemmings begin http://cindersflame.deviantart.com/art/Sharkiest-lemming-367915719
I hope to have the wizard of oz pic done soon.
Thank you so much! I’m super excited about the Oz pic, but take your time
Sheesh, from the look on her face picking up an encyclopedia every once in a while might ACTUALLY KILL Lorelie.
That hairbrush is simply magical. It really made Skærva’s hair look better in record time.
Yeah. That’s is Cyril. Just… Watch as the little girl struggles with a book the size of a small child. At least Derk looks concerned!
I think he’s more-or-less dazed by recent events, and has a slow reaction time.
Salamandrians? Isn’t there anything better? Even though I can’t come up with a name to save my life… I mean really, I can’t think of anything better. Ugh, what is with names that makes them so difficult…
Skärva’s pose in panel five is hilarious.
You’ve hit upon me and Victor’s struggle that has been plaguing us for weeks. We’re attached to the species but not the name, so if someone comes up with something brilliant I’m sure we wouldn’t be opposed to retconning. BUT IT’S HARD. Trust me, salamandrians is better than a lot of the stuff we were tossing around…
Seamanders (I liked this one but Victor thinks people will be immature about it)
In the end, it’s a combo of salamander and andrias, which is the genus of GIANT salamanders.
I was certainly immature instantly.
Time to go to
Dangit, the A href thing didn’t work!
Captcha: eonnext governors
I think a history book might be more helpful than an encyclopedia…
(Salamandrians! If you come up with a new name that you like better, you can treat Salamandrian like a swear word. Only Salamandrians can call each other that and everyone else is racist if they say it. XD)
Ha! Well, Skärva is unpleasant in his many ways, but I’d like to think that racism is not one of them. No matter your species, he’s probably going to dislike you.
I tend to think flish and salamandrians have plenty of slurs for each other already.
Also I… well it’s not like I’m *glad* that there’s a bit of racism showing up in our story. But it makes the world more realistic, I think. If the sentient creatures of Idenau behave anything like we irrational earthlings, which they do, then you KNOW it would be there somewhere.
I wonder if we humans lived in a world with other intelligent species, if we would finally see that we’re not so different no matter the color of our skin, sexual orientation, etc…. only so we could band together and hate on the other guys. >__>
Hey Derk and Cyril Ya’ll know you can talk to… them never seem to ask or answer any of their question. The Lord seems to always answer the question….
Haha. Well, Derk probably doesn’t think he’d be able to explain it that well. And Cyril would answer by singing the great Salamandrian Ballads, and I think he’s learned better by now…
Besides, Lorelei DID ask Mr. Skärva in particular, because he’s super smart! It just takes persistence to get anything out of him.
Ahahahahaha! This page is great! Full of hair brushing and giant heavy books! I assume Derk’s gonna carry that for the poor little girl.
Skarva, she’s just curious!
SEE VICTOR. People like the hair-brushing!
It was one of those things I added in. Even though it’s a cartoony world, I try to add in a bit of realism like people’s hair getting messed up when they fight. And he simply CAN’T walk around like that.
Hmm… Saladrinians?
What about Stomandians or Taylorians, if you base the Nationality name off of “Ambystoma Taylori”, the only Salamander that can live in salty water?
(Amphibians like salamanders usually get killed off by it, so I’m really interested in the upcoming evolutionary story. :D)
I was looking up salamander stuff just now and I came across this: http://blog.arkive.org/2013/04/world-penguin-day/ Nooooo I missed it!! Sorry Frozio, maybe I’ll do something for you next year? Oh don’t look at me like that.
Taylorians is a bit weird because I come from a town called Taylor, so I feel like they would live there too (Although the proper term is “Taylorite” and we’re ducks, not salamanders!)
Salambians… (saline + ambi)?? Honestly I like just Andrians…
We will think about all this, and perhaps just keep it salamandrians because what’s done is done, but don’t be totally surprised if come the encyclopedia entry things have changed. ^_^;
The only thing I can think of though would be Salldrian, like if you said fallbrian but with a S and d in place of the f and b, respectively.
Man its been a while but well worth the wait to read like ten pages all at once. Also I was sort of wondering how strong Skärva actually is, could he pick up that giant book or does he just magically lift it?
He is stronger than his twig arms would suggest! He can hold Derk, for at least a moment: http://thefourthcomic.com/?comic=zoinks So he could hold that book. It’s easier for him to magically lift it, though.
Knowledge might be power but for a book that size knowledge is heavy.
Knowledge is often heavy. #deepthoughts
Speaking of the Encyclopedia, I haven’t seen an entry for quite a while…
This comic title made me very, very, very happy. Best kid’s show ever.
Cyril’s getting very good at those faces, isn’t he?