I dunno this all seems rather FISHY
on May 29, 2013 at 12:44 amCourtney:
Through the fire and flames of ridiculous and logic-defying technical difficulties, I bring you the first comic crafted with my beautiful Yiynova. The technical difficulties weren’t the tablet’s fault, really. There’s some kind of weird Windows pen & touch thing it interferes with on my computer.
I am having fun, and think my art can improve at an even faster rate now. Coincidentally, recently Victor pointed out how I really ought to vary our characters’ head shapes more instead of everyone just being… a circle. So you’ll see my rudimentary attempts at that here.
One must think they would want to be more inconspicuous than that.
What happens in alleys stays in alleys. Right?!
I like how Lorelei can state “Can’t we just steal one” so easily with no problems at all.
Today’s reCaptcha is ‘Sicgrat again’. What does it mean?
She’s being raised well.
I feel the bard’s head shape in the comic fits him well.
Skarva isn’t even touching on the fact that even if they stole a boat it’d probably not be easy to sail a decent sized one with 4 people. I’m not even sure how much experience if any that any of them would have making a boat run.
I agree!
True enough. They’d have to gather a crew, perhaps. Then again, while it might take an immense amount of magic power to control a large vessel, it could be done, I suppose. We’ll have to see what happens, eh?
Oh hey a treasure map. I’m sure that isn’t vitally relevant to the quest at all, and won’t be found by Blank in about 4 hours.
Dang it Skærva and your logic, shooting down the idea I may or may not have thought about weeks ago just now given voice by a little girl, with reasons I hadn’t even thought about!
That boat is going to be the tiniest boat with leaks you have ever seen Skærva.
Huh, Derk’s hair looks amazing from the back. What do you call those pony-tails on the front of the head again? I don’t know what I was expecting about his hair, but reverse mullet wasn’t it.
Actually it’s a wrapper from Burger Island, the local fast food joint, where flavor is the buried treasure! (Buried under grease and mayonnaise)
It’s gonna be a bucket. Literally a bucket. Maybe a floating toilet.
Uhhh there’s a name for those?
Well, I guess there’s front dreadlocks? Maybe? I assumed that there’s one for it, since there’s a name for pretty much everything.
I’m liking reverse mullet though.
So I looked up “front dreadlocks” and the first picture was… Cyril?! And what is going on with his light back there?!
My god, the resemblance is uncanny… The light looks rather interesting though.
Not necessarily dreads, that’s what happens if you just don’t wash your hair for a week or so. Try it and see=D
NONONO stay away from alleyways and neon lights!
Also, I wanted to say it’s way cool that you’re going into different faces! Same face is still a thing I’m trying to break out of.. Good luck and congratulations on improvement!
Yeah, I’ve got a lot to work on still, but this is a step in the right direction. Suddenly, I can see people’s necks!
I am nitpicking here, but there is a bit of color spill on the door in panel one. Way to be negative, I know. On the bright side, it seems as though you put more attention to detail in the characters, I like it. I also agree with kgy121 about Cyril’s head shape. Also, the color splice in panel two is awesome.
I actually noticed that, but then decided to keep it in because it makes it look like a really crappy paint job. But if you think it just looks like a really crappy coloring job, I’ll fix it. XD
But, and this goes for everyone, please do tell me if you see anything weird or wrong, or even just general art suggestions. I can only spot so much by myself!
Hmm, never thought of it like that.
That guy.
I don’t even know how I feel about this.
Seriously, it’s all rounded and squared and pointy.
It has shape.
I think the reason it’s so strange to me is that his circle face was so innocent and guileless.
“Hey guys, did you like the show? You liked the show right? Was my accordion playing okay? I thought I did pretty good, what do you guys think?
Oh. Okay. Yeah I can see that. Uh huh. *cries*”
Now he has a pointy rounded square face, and that maybe communicates other things? I’m not sure.
and salsafes
I definitely see what you’re getting at. Nevertheless, he’s still the same Cyril, just a bit closer to what he would actually look like if he were a real person. He also looks a bit older, which he’s supposed to be (all the men here are around the same age). The change doesn’t really throw me, because this is how I’ve been imagining him for a while now, I just was in the habit of drawing him the old way.
I actually like it, it just took me a while.
It… takes me a bit to adjust to change, that’s all.
Seriously, though, the closer they get to the way they are in your head, the better, because that’s the true character in there.
I’m glad. ^_^
Yeah, like all the characters, the real Cyril lives somewhere between me and Victor’s brains. Victor likes the new version, so I guess I’m getting the image sharper, as it were.
I’m not the only one who saw the Flish and thought he/she was advertising for something else was I? I honestly didn’t see the BRIGHT NEON LIGHTS at first.
Captcha is right: a bunch of Dismal Ruffians we have in our midst!
OH DEAR. This is a family comic. No wonder Skarva has that face in panel 4. “Game of chance” indeed!
But speaking of this, I can’t believe you didn’t notice the “Jolly’s Pub” sign. ;_;
Wow, just wow. That-that right there is SO subtle, I can’t believe it. So subtle-i barely noticed the *coughtotallynotlegalgamblingfortheverythingthatskarva’saftercough* at all! This town has EVERYTHING! subtle gambling places, non-disruptive pirate/police brawls, everything an evil, most-wanted-man-in-idenau could want!
But really, GREAT work! I love how your style is continuing to improve, and every update makes me happier! Wonderful work, and this is HILARIOUS, I //love// this plot!
And captcha says interference admiUse-COULD THIS BE A SIGN? I don’t see how the police could EVER find out about the gambling alley and interfere with Skarva’s genius plan…..:D
Thank you very much! Every update makes me happier too, it’s just a little bit more of our story that we’ve told, and brings us closer to some truly exciting stuff we’ve got planned… eventually
Of course, when police pass by, those signs somehow lose a few letters to become “Ill gal ambling” “In a boat” and “Again the aw”, referring of course to perfectly legal stage performers, who all have their paperwork in order. (Ill Gal does a tear-jerking number walking up and down the deck of a paper mache boat while holding the cutest puppy you’ve ever seen)
Oh my. This is one of the best comments we’ve ever gotten.
Another favorite is Thaumaturge’s epic of the Ecta meltdown. I don’t remember what page that was on exactly; Ecta’s had so many near-meltdowns.
Love the fact that it’s Lorelei who gives him the idea to steal the boat. Unexpected opportunities.