I just met you, and this is crazy…
on July 22, 2013 at 2:11 amCourtney:
Sorry about Friday, guys. My health and energy haven’t been the greatest lately, but I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow that should help me narrow down the problem. I hope.
Also, my tablet pen decided to flip out today. Yiynova pens must be really fragile. There appears to be a little crack in it that I must have caused by my aggressive drawing grip?? The good news is, transitioning back to my old tablet (i.e. the one without a screen) was a lot easier than I thought it would be.
Get well soon! Don’t worry too much about missing Friday, or any day. You’ll just get yourself sicker. I’m selfish, I want you to take it easy now so I can get more updates later >:D Hah, evil!
I agree with this, but I don’t really think it is a selfish concept. I mean you are thinking of her well being first, right? You better be, or else.
HA! EVIL! Truly you are a demon of well-wishing.
“Ha! EVIL!”
What a glorious world, this Idenau, where every pen is feathered!
OH NO. Did that inspire your AcDec speech?
At least he admits it. But gross. Skärva washes his hands!
Yeah… just a tiny little worldbuilding quirk. I’m glad you noticed!
Haha, no, the speech was inspired when I had just gone to the restroom, and saw someone I knew come out of the stall and leave.
Ok, I think Floyd’s charisma is just infinite.
Maybe he’s born with it. Maybe it’s tropical shirt +10000 charisma bonus.
This got a good laugh out of me! XD
O___o Captcha: emailate Miss
watch out ladies… XP
I think Miss wouldn’t mind emailating with Floyd sometime. Honestly it just sounds like you’re sending someone an email, but trying to make it sound more complicated.
It’s ok if you miss an update every now and then, especially if it’s for health reasons. Speaking as a huge web comic fan it seems to be normal for people to miss deadlines all the time, and that’s even when they only update like once a week, and not 3 times a week like you guys do. You’re way ahead of the curve as far as I’m concerned. Besides, well being should come first.
Also judging by slice’s face he’s not exactly inspired.
Thanks for your understanding! I know it’s acceptable, but still, my love for our readers and our story, combined with my obsessive-compulsive guilt complex makes me feel really bad about missing an update
All Slice needs to do is go up to someone and say “Hi, I’m Floyd!” Clearly.
Here you go!
Alright, next convention I go to, I’m cosplaying Floyd!
OMG!! was like what? then I saw that and I died!!! I cant stop laughing lol.OMG LLLLOOOOOOLLLLL.
now that I look like him what do I do about talking?? he did it so easy!
I do hope that Slice manages to talk to Gilly soon. :/
As to skipping an update, as others have said already, don’t worry about it. ^_^
In any case, you’d likely be risking further health issues if you didn’t, and even if one didn’t care at all about your well-being a significant decline in your health would likely have a deleterious effect on the comic, so forcing yourself to work on it when you’re under the weather serves no-one, it seems to me.
… “Maybe” is an unusual name, but if that’s the name that someone wants then fair enough.
*golf clap* all hail floyd, master of the unspoken pick-up line, we are not worthy
It’s the hair.
1) Don’t serve “large”=local answer to starbucks
2) All the Lurkin girls are really cute…
Is he really good with the ladies or are Lurkin girls really easy?
Oh my!
No, he’s just good with the ladies.
He doesn’t even have to try, really.
…Then he should hit on the princess!!! IT’S THE PERFECT PLAN! For get going after the gods! Woo the princess to evil with Floyd!
Well, most humans aren’t into Lurkins. But then again, considering the comments some of our readers make about Floyd…
I see even Ecta is getting into the spirit of things…
That pun was ghastly!
Oh God… Why? O_O
…I didn’t even realize what I’d done until you pointed it out… Sorry =]
Humph, I guess my pun was too stealthy.
I wouldn’t expect her to do anything else, she does seem nasty.
Ooooooh, I get it now. I like the subtlety, now that I see it.
Damn you and your irresistible hawaiian shirt, Floyd!! Even I want to give you my number, and I don’t even have a phone!
I am suddenly seeing parallels in my friends and this comic. I’m not sure this is a good thing.