Derk just feels guilty about his nap
on March 5, 2012 at 12:01 amCharacters: Derk, Lord Tiberius Skärva the Fourth
Sorry this is so late everyone. Hopefully we’ll still have three comics this week.
It’s all my fault, I have taken on way too much responsibility recently. But I love you guys and will try not to let you down either.
So Skarva really likes his purple, huh?
It’s the color of his family, that and gold. He’s actually more partial to blue, but he needs to represent the Skärva name. …Although his cape gives away his heart.
I keep expecting his speech to turn purple, with everything he owns being purple. xD
…Today’s Captcha is ‘verhum faced’. Doesn’t sound pleasant, whatever it is.
Including his eyes! Except sometimes when he’s really passionate, they go pink…
Lii Flower vases say poof and fix all the time.
“Poof” was him sending off the mail. ^_^
If you stopped posting on ALL the comments, you might have more time on your hands. XD Not to say I don’t enjoy the company, but we can entertain ourselves if your busy.
My captcha? rohuffy tTFrFrmF I think my captcha was… captured. YEEEEEEAAAAAAH.
No! D: …Alright, admittedly in times like this I do forsake replying sometimes. But I try; it’s not like it takes very long. In fact, it makes me feel a lot better. In times of stress it’s wonderful to suddenly get a comment email – those wonderful little reminders that at least something I do is worth it. And I love talking back to you.
i guess my captcha is an ‘lopitai succession.’
Just so you know, you made a little typo in the fourth panel for ‘transportation’. ;3
I’m shocked how positive Skarva is being about this. It doesn’t really seem like him.
Or at least not to me, lol. Maybe he’s changing for the better a bit?
Oh, thanks for pointing that out. I was tired when I proofread this, but even so, I would have probably never caught that. I’ll fix it ^_^
Well, he thinks his plan is so brilliant, the dungeons don’t really matter all that much, in truth… it’s just formality at this point.
Also remember that Skärva’s plan mostly hinges on Blank making it all the way to the final dungeon. If he could be defeated before then, that would be great, but the initial dungeons are mostly for show… and also to catch Blank off guard.
I just love Skaerva more and more each time I see him.
My captcha says ‘and webosea’ this time. These are just getting weirder and weirder. /:
Aww. I’m glad. :3 I have gotten a lot better at drawing him over time…
Maybe Lorelei can nap on the way there.
Yeah. Still, Skaerva (typing on my phone here) demands a lot of her. I think sometimes he forgets his healer is a little girl. I guess he tries to.
I think skaerva needs a hair cut.
My ReCaptcha says… yourcnd Majefty’s
Sounds like a drunk text to the king…
He usually gets his hair cuts when Blank swings at him and misses.
who started the captcha trend?
mines say ‘getsect XXVII’
Getsect the Twenty-Seventh?! And I thought being the Fourth was kinda lousy…
I happen to enjoy the long-haired Skarva look. Skarva really is a rather good sorcerer. He just fixed the bowl like it was nothing. I always thought glass was really hard to make…..andertr from captcha.
He IS good. Fixing broken things, teleporting mail, conjuring stress toys… none of that takes him much effort. He can’t help that he has to go up against the Chosen Hero, beloved of the gods.
And yeah. Something I never got in Harry Potter was like, the first-year students were turning inanimate objects into hamsters or something, like it was no big deal, and I was like whoa. WHOA. You are creating LIFE.
Aww man, I totally missed a CSI joke from the last comic! I could have said. “I guess the volcano temple makes Skarva… all fired up. YEEEEAAAAH.” Ah well. Captcha is Backapp ovol… so finally my captcha ISN’T gibberish, and that’s what it gives me. How do I make a joke out of that!?
Ok, sorry for the double post, but I just couldn’t pass this up. I looked back at it, and my captcha says “etingea 1884.]” What jerk put the ] in there? XD