Skärva gets hungry waiting for Blank all the time
on April 27, 2012 at 12:01 amCharacters: Blank, Lord Tiberius Skärva the Fourth
This comic will go up exactly on time. WOAH.
This is one of my favorite pages so far. How often do I get to draw Skärva being so jolly? Also the boss-room fridge is delightful.
Here’s a fun fact: Skärva can’t control his upper eyebrows, and they inevitably give away his true feelings and intentions. This would be useful for Blank to know right now, but few people are ever around Skärva enough to figure it out.
…Suddenly, I’m slightly worried for our douchey hero…
Also, are those pictures of the Skarvas in the last panel at the top?
Yep. All four of them that matter.
is your hand glued to the sword? mah boi(internet meme), atleast bring a sheath with you. and where’d u pull that bag from?
“cessCerl book-” is what captcha says
He got the bag from his hyperspace pockets, duh! And he could put the sword in there too, or hook it into his belt, but… he is way too uncomfortable right now to let it out of his grip.
I honestly didn’t expect Skarva to be able to manage ‘affably evil’. He seemed like the sort who would have issues even MAKING the deal he’s plotting on doing. Yeah, I give credit where credit is do, he does an AWESOME ‘Oh, sure I’m evil, but I’m not here to cause trouble this time’, but he just doesn’t seem the sort capable of genuinely acting ‘nicely’. Even for this scenario. He looks down on everybody to an extreme extent, even when he’s requesting them to provide a service, or at least appears to. I wonder how much preparation it took to get himself to do this act, even given that it was in his own best interest to manage it, he seems to be treating Blank as both an equal and a respectable individual.
That said, I must admit that this page is an awesome twist on his regular personality, and I hope that the following, inevitable failure provides him with JUST enough support for the after-effects that he decides to keep it, because Skarva sounds and acts AWESOME mellowed with the sweet sound of victory.
To Skärva’s credit, he’s a very good actor. If he ever gives up villainy, he could probably make it big on the stage. Except he would be seriously typecast… that is, if anyone would even cast a shark-man in the first place…
Still, you’re right, treating Blank with decency goes against every fiber of his being, and he wouldn’t be able to manage it if he wasn’t so giddy and genuinely, albeit evilly, joyful with confidence.
I just realized that Skärva is probably such a good actor from practicing villainous monologues throughout his life. Assigned by his father, I suppose. The great villainous monologues of Idenian literature…
last panel is epic! very nice job.
I’m very proud of it, myself. Who knew fridge-light could make you so menacing?
I lost my s@#$ at the groceries line. Funniest thing I’ve read in a while.
Really, though, Blank just defeated Derk. Who was he expecting to walk through the door, Lorelei?
I’m glad.
He’s not surprised to see Skärva, just to see him with that face. Blank has never seen him “innocently” happy before, and this is far more unsettling than any time they’ve battled.
Whoa, wait a minute, what happened to Blank’s font?
It was always like that, what are you talking about?
(…We got a suggestion to change it, from someone who thought it was too hard to read. Luckily his was the only one they had a real problem with… out of all our main characters I’m the least attached to Blank, and he’s probably the only one whose “voice” I could stand to change. And he’s only been in like 10 comics, thankfully!)
lets see what skaervy cooked up for u this time ^^
and symbols say “?!” all the time
and awwwww. no free mug? see: my previous post about him drinking tea or coffee or whatever it may be as blank barges in
Those are two question marks, my friend. You are seriously slipping.
It sounds like green eggs and ham is that what you guys were going for. LOL. Love skarva face in the last panel looks so evil.
Would you eat it with a villain? Would you eat it while you’re chillin’? Would you eat it with a shark? Would you eat it in the dark?
o.o skarva you rascal what do u have planned?
the look on blanks face
The second to last panel is my favorite. He just looks so helpless, so out of his element.
My fav is the fourth panal, the look on blanks face is so priceless XD
yeah i believe you skaerva. no harm at all.
He’s just thinking about how he’s going to eat that lunchmeat later.
Pearl of Wisdom: You can pick your nose and you can pick your friends,but you cannot pick your friends nose.
Especially when you’re friends with Derk… or Floyd or- hey so many of the characters in this comic do not have visible noses at all.
So is Manic just posting pearls of wisdom every page or something? Is that his thing? It almost makes him like a robot. Maybe he is a robot. A robot only capable of pearls of wisdom. But what kind of robot gives out pearls of wisdom? I guess if it was designed that way. But then does that mean that someone specifically designed a robot to post pearls of wisdom on YOUR webcomic?! These are the incessant ramblings that go through my head…(can you tell I’m tired?) Also, in an effort to not be out done…
Pearl of wisdom: Needing someone is like needing a parachute. If he isn’t there the first time you need him, chances are you won’t be needing him again
But Manic posts other things too, proving he is not, in fact, a robot. Or maybe he’s part-robot, a cyborg, like me!
I like this pearl of wisdom.
I am not a robot ]:l
I was thinking about this randomly the other day, but Skarva has good fashion sense. Very snappy.
Even capcha things Skarva was hipdate!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go look through the old panels to determine Skarva’s real feelings through his eyebrows. XD
I know, I’ve always been very proud of him. Not bad for someone who used to do fanart or random animals most of the time and had very little experience with character design.
Wild BLANK is confused!
… Wouldn’t those eggs stink after all that adventuring, though?
Not the EGGS OF POWER. Which he found in the Stopping Swamp.
I can’t shake the feeling that lorlei is gonna play a role in the end.
Oh yeah how did skärva get coca cola in a sprite bottle and why.
the 3rd is ugly but the 2nd is a rather handsome man………………..no homo….
That’s Idecola! BUBBLICIOUS!
Skärva used charm
Blank’s attack and defense sharply dropped.
Blank used stockpile
Skärva quickly countered with snatch
Blank is confused
Blank used foresight…..it failed
Skärva used stockpile Skärva’s attack and defense rose
Blank is confused…Blank used rest…Blanks HP was restored
Skärva used nasty plot…Skärva’s special Atk sharply rose
This is one of the funniest yet. I love the faces.
Thank you!
Well, see you after the world explodes. xD
“largeab advancing” says captcha.
Large ab advancing? Could have been the tagline for 300…
Ahh… nothing like having the hero do your groceries for you. And that is some pretty epic fridge-light, I must say.
Yeah, the shading is simple but looks pretty cool, if I do say so myself.
Amazing job also alter just a quick question. *puts on glasses* being serious ere but 100 dollars gets ya a slightly major character but could you if someone donated 200 dollars or more make a major character of a their own race/mind as long as it isn’t too far fetched? can’t wait to get a reply.
Well, one of the reasons the slightly major character costs $100 is because we really don’t expect anyone to donate that much. To us, at least, getting to add a recurring minor character of your own design to the story is a pretty big deal.
Ignoring that, though, the real problem is that all of the major characters have already been planned out for the story. There really isn’t a slot to be filled, for now… I guess it’s possible that the need will arise, but even then we need to have control over who that character is and can’t really sell it out.
However, if someone were willing to donate $200 or more, it would be worth discussion. We’d have to talk it over – a lot – before any money changed hands, but it doesn’t hurt to see what the person donating has in mind. For example, I wouldn’t be completely opposed to letting someone design one of the races of Idenau for that amount of donation, but again, we’d have to talk.
If you’re actually thinking about donating $200 or more, shoot us an email with your ideas. We’ll see if we can make something work.
Thank you so much for your support!
Victor explained things well… be sure to send him an email if you have any ideas, he has the final say on business and canon.
i asked already xD
Hee hee, that’s how I always look when I open my fridge XD
Maybe that’s why my fridge light broke D:
What, did you break its very will to exist?
This is awesome. I especially lol’d at Blank’s face in the upper right. XD
Thank you!
Blank’s “Wha-what?” face…priceless. XD Also fridge light Skaerva. Also priceless. Heck, this whole comic. And still, the best part is “I’ve been needing to do my groceries!” Look, heroes CAN be good for something!
Lol, reminds me of me and my sister making fun of Link when playing Zelda; for a guy busy saving the world, everyone sure needs him to do petty things for them. And as if being treated as an errand boy by most the rest of the populace isn’t bad enough, now the villain is doing it…
I totally picture elevator music playing when this seen is happening. It seems like it would fit the mood so well.
Agh you reminded me of how much I adore this page. If this isn’t like, my favorite page ever, I don’t know what is.
Well, what did you think that the food was for, Blank?
My goodness, this just gets funnier every single comic I read….