
Hey guys! Sorry about the delay in moving the comic forward. We know it must be frustrating to be left hanging like this, but Victor wants to wrap the current plot points up in a way that makes sense with the magic of our world and explains things adequately. In general we’re being major perfectionists about this arc since we want to print it!

We should be back soon, but in the meantime let’s play a fun seasonal game – you suggest costumes for our characters, and I’ll draw the ones I like and upload them right here on this post! So you can check back for updates until the next page of the comic. I want this year’s Havocfest to be bigger than past ones.

To get an idea of what I’ve done before, why don’t you check out the new and improved Gallery page? And if you’re wondering what the heck Havocfest is, click here!

It’s also the second anniversary of me writing that original Havocfest post. Which means… oh, tomorrow me and Victor have been together for five years ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Our first is “Kill la Kill”, requested by Lin!

Skärva in a bad shark costume/left shark (from Alena and Chynna Miller):

Derk as Donkey Kong (suggested by the old man) and Lorelei as Toadette (suggested by James Porter):
Havocfest 2015 3

Toadette, treasure tracker (because I got carried away):

Disney Princesses? (by Lin and Alena)

Blank as a pretty princess and Veronika as a hero! (suggested by Angi)

Blank as Marty McFly, requested by Hotcha. With bonus Lomurcio as Doc Brown!