Charisma check
on May 3, 2013 at 1:11 amCourtney:
In a month and a day, the comic be two years old! Whoa.
And May 7th is Skärva’s “birthday.” That’s right, there was less than a month from the time I first drew him until the website went live. That was a crazy month.
After the princess is repeatedly kidnapped, the guards aren’t trained to shoot Skarva-colored things on sight?
Is the blue stuff on the handlebar of the last panel something I’m supposed to know about at this point?
I think its magic, to get the cart moving. Not suspicious at alllllllllllll.
Dark Magic. ALL of Floyd’s race is naturally talented with it. (I think)
Yep! Although I suppose an unfortunate Lurkin squib is born every now and then…
Hey, it could just be someone who really likes purple and gold. The Skärvas haven’t trademarked those colors. Yet.
And like people have said, it’s magic. It’s how you drive these wagons.
These are the same people that literally opened the door for Skarva when he was kidnapping her… They don’t seem to be concerned with security much…
Floyd knows how to be a smooooth talker
That he does.
He’s actually more manipulative than the demon, when he wants to be…
LOL that funny. But wered his charm go? Did he give it to an old poor widow like a good person? Davis’s reaction is so funny. Good job
BTW is there a wiki for all this?
We’re considering porting all of the encyclopedia entries to wiki format eventually, once the story has gone on a bit more and there’s more content we feel comfortable going into detail about. I suppose the turning point would be once we really get into the curse and/or the War.
He threw it in the back. Thanks!
how did they miss the ghost lounging in the class box in the back? Or did they just not care?
Ghosts aren’t necessarily evil, it’s just that Skaerva has some working for him.
To be fair, the skinnier guard at least looks incredulous.
Yeah, how could she failed to be convinced by Floyd’s evidence?
…I knew Floyd was a genius.
I had a lot of fun talking to you on tumblr yesterday! I hope we can do that again sometime!
Me too! Send me a note anytime.
Just because they’re a demon, a ghost, and a Floyd (the most notable forces that work for evil), and travel around in a Skarva caravan doesn’t mean they work for him. The guard doesn’t want to be racist.
Indeed. Also I don’t know if you MEANT to say “a Floyd,” but I found it amusing.
We are not the minions you are looking for.
May the Fourth be with you!
I think Floyd looks better without opening his eyes once at all in a panel.
Seriously. Look. NO EYES.
He looks better without them.
Yeah, I only noticed that after I had finished the comic.
Do you find his lack of pupils disturbing?
That shirt must give Floyd a huge charisma boost.
Being Floyd gives Floyd a huge charisma boost also.
Dear god, It would be the end of everything we know if he got any more charisma. I’m surprised he doesn’t have a silver tongue instead of green…
He used to, but then he ate a few too many lime sno cones.
This could go more than one way, but as far as The Fourth goes… May The Fourth be with you (oh my goodness I did just say that)!
Is it just me, or is he a lot like Hawkeye from M.A.S.H. (the Alan Alda character from the TV show, not the character from the book or movie)? They both are laid back (exemplified by how they both wear Hawaiian shirts) and both are the real, behind-the-scenes leaders of their respective groups. This may have been brought up before, but I’m kind of new here.
By “he,” I meant Floyd. Just clarifying.
Victor is the one who watches old sitcoms, so perhaps there is some inspiration there. I just asked him… He says maybe, subconsciously! And actually, I don’t think this has been brought up before.
I’d say happy birthday to Skärva and have a cake for him, but the cake is a lie.
Also, good luck on your move. I hope it’s as painless as possible.