Cleanest Dorm Room Ever
on February 24, 2012 at 12:01 amAbscondWithAPie:
Hey everyone, I just wanted to bring something to your attention: in the next few days we will probably start advertising on the site. I’ll write up a longer post on the subject when we’re actually approved for advertising through Project Wonderful, but for now let me just say that we don’t want to bother you. We’ll be working pretty hard to make sure that any and all ad content that shows up will be relevant to your interests (probably other webcomics), and we won’t be asking you to click through any ads in particular. However, this site does generate expenses for us as well as taking up a lot of our free time, and we think we should start trying to see if there’s any money that can be made from it all – particularly, money we can put toward advertising the site itself and trying to find more viewers.
We’re not exactly swimming in page views, and it seems almost silly to start advertising now, but with us hitting our 100th comic recently we figure there’s no better time than the present.
Floyd takes his hood off as soon as the workday is over.
It’s better to start advertising now rather than later when everyone will get upset, I guess. ;o
Hold up, how do flish fly (lol) if it’s not related to their fin/tail?
No, really, it’s magic. The only magic gifted to them by the gods; they can’t control their own spells otherwise. Well, I suppose there have been a few rare Flishmages throughout Idenian history. Demons and Lurkins are born being able to use magic; humans are not, unless they come from a very magical family, but they can learn with much effort. I suppose Flish can learn too, but it’s not often their concern.
…They also can’t really fly, it’s more like hovering; they’re limited to a few feet off the ground, maybe a bit higher with extreme effort.
That’s even cleaner than my own room at home!
That last panel is just great. But surely he could just sleep on the couch! Regardless of whether it can fold out or not, it would definetely beat a drawer.
Mine too brotha. And at school. I guess Floyd is secretly quite neat, although you’d never guess it from his hair, and Slice just doesn’t have a lot of material possessions. All he needs is that one picture of Gilly, honestly.
I actually like it when webcomics have project wonderful ads… it gives me a chance to find new webcomics to read. (Actually, I don’t mind ads at all, as long as they’re not popups and don’t have sound.)
Davis is so tiny the couch would be huge to him, I think. But I’m looking forward to the moment when someone shuts the drawer on him and he gets trapped inside.
Yeah, I mean that *is* how a lot of people found us, after all
Indeed, if he slept on the couch he might slip through the cushions and not get found until weeks later when Floyd is looking for spare change.
i think daevus is secretly greatful
Of course he is. Maybe not for the drawer thing, but he has two new friends and someone to torment, and a boss who doesn’t enjoy making him explode.
not clean because their are 2 socks on the floor.
Aww poor Floyd, trying to find a good solution for everyone. I love his expressions in this page. Stop whining and take the couch if you don’t want the drawer, Davis; its not like castle Skaerva was expecting you. Put in a work order for a bed in the morning or something.
Rofl I was kinda wondering how those flish sleep, and if they ever hit ground at any point.
Like the decor. Slice is such a cute stalker; is that a picture/image/whatever-passes-for-photos-in-this-place of Gilly? And I want that lava lamp.
Yeah, I always wanted a lava lamp. When I was younger I saved up all of my tickets at one of those gaming places, because they had a lava lamp as a prize. It took me multiple visits, and by the time I had enough, they didn’t have them any more. Only glitter lamps, the much lamer cousin. I got one anyway though. It’s… alright. :/
Yeah, there are photos in Idenau, sure, why not, there are copy machines XD Idenau is quite modern, they just don’t have to rely on technology as much because there’s also so much magic. No computers though, no TVs, no cell phones. They take so much fun out of stories.
pin-up posters and lava lamps? haha wow. i like Floyd in panel 4, his little fang is adorable.
also, there’s another Kelly commenting now. now i don’t feel unique anymore.
Whoops, sorry! I’ll use my nickname from now on.
Haha, wow, I totally thought that was you at first, just shortening your name for some reason Well, now I know. The more Kellies the merrier, and I wonder what our new friend will show up as next… (kind of like I wonder what Rabid will be when he gets tired of that ^_^)
Fridge Brilliance when it comes to Slice and his bed, because Bettas really do prefer having beds!
And places for bubble nests. Always with the bubble nests…
Maybe someday he’ll make a bubble nest with Gilly I hope she doesn’t eat their unborn children.
Ahh~~~~ Floyd always brightens my day. I love how Slice doesn’t even touch the bed and yet it’s all his. :3
I mean, all the logic in the world couldn’t force anyone to take it away from him. Look at that sleepy face. You can’t argue with it.
Placing ads in what is currently the empty borders along the side of the page is fairly standard for webcomics. so I don’t see why anyone would complain unless its one of those annoying ones with sound or it causes popups.
Yeah, we just like running things by our readers because you guys are what make this whole crazy thing worth it, after all. Of course, we realize it is standard for webcomics and if a few crazies had had raging objections, we would have just told them to chill out ^_^
Darn, but I was so fond of the flashing “YOU ARE THE MILLIONTH VISITOR TO THIS SITE” ones we had planned. They would have given me false pride in our popularity. XD
I don’t think I’d want to argue with it…
I also like how you take the time to talk to everyone who comments.
Of course! What’s the point of putting all of this effort into something if you don’t respond to the people who care? Plus, you guys often have good insight or funny ways of looking at things. I like the little community here, the familiar faces- well, gravatars- anyway. I hope that, no matter how popular we get (ha!) I will always be able to keep doing this.
I hope so. I really like it when popular people interact with their fans. And I’ve grown quite fond of the gravatar community (with the exception of Kelly Nelly because we’re friends in real life, so I’m already fond of her).
hey now. my random rabids are unique >:D
feel the wrath of my rabid beam. ???% chance to hit. has high critical hit ratio. may cause flinching, paralysis, poison, burn, freezing, infatuation, or confusion. never misses.
Wait, if it has a ???% chance to hit, how does it never miss? ^_^