Nah, just grass. If they were psychic, her type advantage might allow her to defeat them and break free. Come to think of it, Ecta is at a type disadvantage against Floyd, Skarva, and… Davis. Oh boy.
You guys should make the URL of comic pages match up with their comic number. …so like comic #1 would be or 001 or maybe 0001
Sometimes I like to navigate to specific comic pages, and it’s hard to do that when the URLs to all the comics are so random…
…also, I’m jealous of Slice’s big cute green eyes,
I think Ecta wants a muffin, from what she says in Panel 2!
HA! I was wondering if anyone would guess at what she’s saying back there, but you win already.
Also, calling “That’s what she said” on Slice in the last panel. Why does he keep doing this?
Well, that’s what Ecta would have said, hence the (almost) pointing at Davis and Floyd
Oh my. But really, he’s pointing away from them, hence why they look a little miffed, huh?
Why can’t I be Slice? He is so cute in this comic!
I wish, I wish I was a flish.
He’ll make a great daddy some day
for that you would need a flish wish dish
I have a big bag of internet candy for the first person to tell me where that is from.
Hmm, sounds like Dr. Seuss… is that One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish?
Internet candy!!!
Ish could with you to be a flish with his flish with dish
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
muffled ektaeh says “MMMMMMFF” all the time
u can always ask for directions
and what are Lore_EH_LAY, DURK, and SKaervah up to?
That’s not even what she says
Nothing exciting, here in the middle of the night. We’ll get back to them soon. I miss them too.
lol so im guessing vines must be psychic type?
and HAPPY 8 months
(thas how long its been up and running)
long term fan ftw
Nah, just grass. If they were psychic, her type advantage might allow her to defeat them and break free. Come to think of it, Ecta is at a type disadvantage against Floyd, Skarva, and… Davis. Oh boy.
I love the little pumpkin/tomato thing’s face that Slice hugs. =D And yea, we need to get back to Skarvah. It’s been awhile. D=
I know, I hope I haven’t forgotten how to draw them =P But there’s nothing really interesting to show for them right now until the minions get back…
Skarvah? The rabid person really IS contagious…
i love the recognition
Oops. No “h”. Didn’t feel like flipping back through pages to find the spelling, so I assumed Rabid was right. Ah well. =P
You trusted the guy who said Lore_EH_LAY?
Also, there’s a handy up-to-date* cast page! It has like, half the characters!
*Where the “date” is like September
We may not know if Davis cares, but Davis knows Davis cares. :3
Hmm, but does Ecta care if Davis cares…
You guys should make the URL of comic pages match up with their comic number. …so like comic #1 would be or 001 or maybe 0001
Sometimes I like to navigate to specific comic pages, and it’s hard to do that when the URLs to all the comics are so random…
…also, I’m jealous of Slice’s big cute green eyes,
I like Slice’s idea: when in doubt, ask.