Sorry Skärva, your princess is an another – wait no she’s right here
on December 19, 2011 at 12:01 amAbscondWithAPie:
We’ll be starting another round of advertising soon, so if you’ve found your way here from another site be sure to say hi!
What, there’s really a princess in this comic?!! Nope, Chuck Testa
The barrel is an illusion! Which way does it point?
And foaming-at-the-mouth “Skärvie” is pretty awesome.
I know, right? I didn’t even notice that when I was drawing it, but then when I was moving it around inside the panel I was like WHAT IS GOING ON HERE
Yeah, after I drew that I looked back at the script and it said he was supposed to be “focused,” oh well. It’s better this way. ^_^;
Focused is overrated.
Not when you’re working on exams/papers. I must admit that during this past Finals period, I spent more time looking like Skärva as I drew him than as Victor intended. :/
Echer barrel!
Hahah, another derpy rage face. Love this comic. Found it in an advertisement and read it from beginning to current in one sitting. I love it. =D
Ahh, thank you so much! <3 I hope you stick around, and I love talking to our readers, so don't hesitate to drop a comment whenever you feel like it
(Victor appreciates you too, he's just shy, hehe.)
Oh! I’m glad you like talking to readers ’cause you just can’t tell with that avatar.
I plan on it. And I noticed that when I was skimming through some of the older page comments. You respond to almost everyone. Keep up the good work!
Thanks! Yeah, the only times when I don’t are when I’m super super busy. I want to make sure people know we appreciate them
(Plus you guys tend to have some funny stuff to say.)
skarva’s rage is producing orange again.
Even the bird has crazy eyebrows. first the wizard, now the bird, skarva has four, his dad has three… Wait! Does that mean the second skarva would be… Normal? No way.
And spit! I went back and used the exact colors too. For the orange, not the spit.
Hey those are actually feathers. Something like this guy has. Or this guy, for that matter.
Oh yes, the Second was quite normal, except for the whole sharkman thing, and also… well… poor The Second. He was normal in the eyebrow department at least.
wow! i just noticed! even frozo has crazy eyebrows!
the orange came out the same, the spit was produced in the form of foam, and instead of wind, skarva got chameleon eyes!
Skarva used Rage! Is it super effective?:D
Rage is normal-type. It’ll never be super effective.
We have a pretty good range of types in our team:
Skärva: dark
Derk: fighting
Lorelei: normal
Ecta: ghost
Slice: water
Floyd: dark
Davis: dark, possibly fire?
The Wizard: dark, definitely fire. Of course, we’re keeping that guy in the box.
Frozio: ice
That guy with the axe: steel
Cyril: essentially a Zubat, you encounter him in dark cramped places and you really wish you had a repel
cyrils paralyzed
Cyril used Perish Song!
All who hear the music of his accordion will pass out in three turns…
yay the princess finally!
I’m excited.
Even though her dress is kind of annoying to draw. Not as annoying as drawing that accordion, though.
yea. i was waiting for ages ^^
i have a case of “i-wish-you-updated-the-cast” disease
Oh boy, this is getting serious. Well, lucky for you I’ve had a bio written for Veronika since day one, so we can at least put that one up there. I just have a case of “I have no idea what to write for Floyd, Slice, Ecta and Davis” disease. Why do I write these things, anyway? Isn’t Victor the writer? (Well, I do enjoy it. I just need to come up with something.)
Floyd: one of skarvas minions. unlike the other minions of Skarva, Floyd seems to be behind the others. and he is in a group of other minions whom are Davis, Ecta, and Slice. He also has his trademark blue hawaiian vest and yellow hair.
(accurate? )
Accurate, except it’s a tropical shirt. Tropical shirt. Ain’t no Hawaii in Idenau
Love Skärva’s rage face, as usual! And the guard in Panel 5…he’s like, wut. Hilarious as always!
Don’t take this the wrong way, but the princess’ dress looks kinda like green bowls stacked precariously on top of one another, then flipped upside down.
Ha. I think she looks like an asparagus.
Now that you mention it, I can totally see asparagus.
Oh, is THAT why accordians in animated/drawn works always get smashed….
A little bird told her.