Spring Update
on March 22, 2019 at 4:38 pmHi everyone! Just posting this to let you know we’re still alive.
If you remember what I’ve said in our last several updates, about how I need to support myself by art commissions these days and it’s drained all my stamina for drawing, leaving me no time for the comic… well, that hasn’t really changed. What HAS changed is that I’ve caught up on a lot of stuff and learned to manage my time better, which should leave me more time for personal projects.
There’s a lot I’d like to do for the comic as a means of sprucing this place up and spring cleaning, including finalizing chapter zero (at last!!) and possibly redoing the way the fan art page looks. You can also expect some updates VERY soon… it was just my birthday and I only wanted one thing this year: to see The Fourth come back.
I’m a better artist than I’ve ever been and I can’t wait to share that with you all!
Happy belated birthday!
I can’t wait for The Fourth to come back <3<3 *happy*
WOO! I was so worried about this comic going the way of Keychain of Creation. Too many good webcomics these days dying out.
I’m fine with situations like Perry Bible Fellowship or Manly Guys Doing Manly Things where they just got sick of doing it week after week feeling like they’ve milked themselves dry.
But too many are dying or getting indefinite haitused over stuff like health and money. I hate to see when creatives who really want to make things, things that people really like, get forced to stop because of logistics. People who want to bring light into the world and make others smile should be able to do so freely and it’s a shame that’s not always the case.
This comment means a lot to me. I keep coming back to it. I agree that it’s a shame, and it’s hard to be on the other end of it after spending the early years of the comic swearing we’d never go on an extended hiatus, no matter how tiring life got. But life sure showed me!
I’m just so grateful that there are people out there who are patient and understanding with things like this, even over the course of entire years. We WILL tell this story, no matter how long it takes!
Heey it’s’ been a while since we’ve seen the Princess, who I not-so-secretly ship with Skarva.
If only you’d give her fire powers then I could call the ship “Shark Boy and Lava Girl”.
Who knows what secrets Veronika holds! (…probably not that though.)
But hey, you could always ship him with Pamela. The literal lava girl. Sounds like kind of a dangerous relationship though. Skarva’s hair tendrils are too long for him to be playing with fire…
About time I start catching up on this comic!
I relate to Veronika. Red headed bird lovers unite!