on July 20, 2016 at 12:48 amChapter: Chapter Zero
Characters: Blank, Lord Tiberius Skärva the Fourth
Pretty hyped about this page and everything that comes after. GETTING SO CLOSE TO THE END OF THIS ARC. I’ll probably end up tweaking the colors a bit later, but that goes for this whole story.
Now please enjoy this fan art from friend Thaumaturge, but be warned, you’ll never sleep again.
“I’d have beaten you in a fair fight!”
“Well that’s not much incentive for me to fight fair, is it?”
Don’t laugh at magical sharks, Blank.
(Magic-channeling swords say sssZAP all the time.)
Panel 7: Without context, Blank just looks like a happy, fun guy!
I know! I loved drawing that panel. Blank is so serious all the time. When do I get to draw him laughing? At first I thought he might be mean-laughing but then reconsidered, he’d probably be more relieved and genuinely mirthful about this situation.
Is it bad that I want that sword?
Smithy can hook you up.
I can’t believe it took me this long to realize how Jingaling-y Blank’s crown is…also, his silhouette in the third panel makes it look like he’s wearing a dress. :>
I’m in love with the fourth panel though like wow…something about this comic and really good fourths…
YEAH IT’S BECAUSE OF THE HUGE BALLS (…phrasing??) otherwise it’s not even that similar, but the big ba- er, spheres, are very Jingaling-esque. I kinda did that without thinking, probably because I’ve drawn King J so much.
I should strive to make the fourth panel in every comic extra cool. So meta.
I feel bad for laughing at “HUGE BALLS” but maybe it was just the caps that made it so funny…
Small lame fact! 4 is an unlucky number in Japan. It’s like their 13. Poor Shark Family.
I just now noticed that one of the spires on that thing got bent between the minion toss and the Derk fight.
I really like that looming fourth panel, and the “zappy” final panel. ^_^
This is all coming out so good! I’m excited for this ending! 8D