Just Say No!
on May 4, 2012 at 2:54 amAltermentality:
Seriously kids, don’t accept substances from people who are giving you a look like THAT. Come on, Blank, didn’t your parents ever… oh. Right. Sorry. What is it with heroes being orphans…
Also, if you hear someone saying “May the fourth be with you!” today, they’re probably not talking about our comic. But only probably. It’s more likely they’re a Star Wars fan with a lisp.
Haha. Skarva’s attempt to keep that “kindly sincere” look on his face was admirable, but it fell apart towards the end, sadly.
Also, I’d rather have the Fourth be with me than the Force. Better to be without super powers than knocked off by an evil shark overlord.
Yeah. He really just can’t contain his excitement. >:D
Yes! It’s the moment of truth for blank!
Indeed. TO BE CONTINUED! Too bad me and Victor will be too busy moving into our apartment next week to make any comics.
Pfft just kidding!
Ooooh, dramatic music time. Skärva should have hired a brass band.
Love how it’s such a classic fairy tale scene. The princess is asleep, the hero unsure, the…hey, wait a minute, who stole Veronika’s crown?
Bah, you know how he feels about bards!
Hey, that thing is a pain to draw – I mean, to sleep in. Skärva let her leave it behind and change into something more comfortable too. He’s a nice guy! (To the princess, anyway.)
Skarva, you are a brilliant genius, and this is your moment of truth! But why do I get a bad feeling that this is going to explode in his face?
I suppose because this comic is about “the odd and -hopeless- situation of being a villain in an adventure game”?
ohh snap it is getting good, but it is not very funny. Oh well. it is also time for ROLL CALL i have always wondered how many people follow this comic now it is time to find out so ROLL CALL!!!!
Like I was telling Zthewise, we’ll try to keep it as humorous as we can, but we have drama and plot points coming up – so you may have to hang in there while we indulge in a little intensity. To be fair, I like wallowing in that kind of stuff – but Victor doesn’t want to keep you guys on the edge of your seat for so long you fall off. ^_^;
We have a significant amount of readers who never comment, and I imagine many of them never even look at the comments… but nice effort
I love all our readers, but our commenters make life awesome. <3
Blanks say “Veronika! <3" most of the time.
And they think it the rest of the time.
I could totally see some of Skarva’s minions in the background acting like some college frat boys “do it do it do it!”
Course a funny turn of events would be if the princess fell for Skarva, sending ole hero boy to the dark side of the force.
Bahaha. They totally would, if they weren’t all passed out thanks to Blank’s sword/starch.
Three digital elephants says she falls in love with someone other than Blank.
That is an intriguing bet. What would I do with three digital elephants, exactly?
One could, theoretically, use them to make bets.
The in reality, the elephants have only sentimental value. Unless you really like elephants, or want to impress your friends with a lovely elephant emoticon. Or maybe even digital stampedes?
Does he look like the stampeding type?
The bird has its own pillow! How cute!
I hope Blank doesn’t suddenly suspect that it’s poison or something. That’d be terrible.
(And fireplaces say “RRRumble/Spin!” all the time.)
Wow. That’d be kind of a serious/dark turn if it really was poison. Disguise it as a love potion, tempt the hero into giving it to their true love…if it worked, that’d be wrong on so many levels. The hero would, firstly, have taken away somebody’s rights to living how they want…and also would be a murder and also their love dead.
I don’t think that should be allowed to happen in any story.
Yeah, he brought it in his little suitcase, along with his little sunglasses.
Do you know how many people poisoned each other in the middle ages? Hell I bet 50% of the poisonings happened without the person knowing and it being their loved one.
Thankfully, despite its pseudo middle ages charm, Idenau is a lot more enlightened than that!
Aww, I almost feel bad for Blank in this one.
I do. Especially after drawing his face in the third-to-last panel. Poor kiddo.
Then again, he IS the Blessed Hero, and not being able to win the love of one lady is such a first-world problem compared to Sharkface McBlackeye over there.
You mean to tell me I have waited all week for another cliffhanger?!
I kid I love the suspence, that is one of the things I love about this comic.
Thanks! I’m glad, because there’s more of it coming soon… we’ll also try to keep it as funny as we can where appropriate, but DRAMA is also important!
does Skarva have two sets of eyebrows??
I love it when people notice this for the first time. >>:D Of all the things that make him an amazing freak, it’s probably the freakiest. <3
I almost accidentally read “all your deaths will come true” in that second-to-last panel. Hmmm.
Skärva’s imagined a lot of deaths for Blank… it would be incredible if they all came true at once.
After reading this comic a third time through, I can now imagine Skärva correcting himself, like, “All your deaths-IMEAN dreams will come true.”
I’m actually impressed that Skarva’s STILL partially managing affably ev…
Ha. Hahaha. Alright, I’m cruel, but plot twist.
Skarva is instead tricking Blank into feeding the princess poison. How nightmarish would that be to even an entity that has sociopathic tendencies? I’m fairly certain Skarva wouldn’t think along those lines, his goal is to win, not make everybody else lose, yet. But if he -did-, man would Blank be broken up about it.
Yargh, why do people keep suggesting this?
I don’t know what good it would do Skärva to suddenly be standing before a hero whose hope and love has just been killed. Blank is really a good kid, and while he takes his violence seriously as a duty, he has never seen defeating Skärva as any more than that… but if Skärva harmed Veronika, Blank would KILL him. And EVEN if Blank was somehow swayed into mercy, the whole of Idenau’s royal army would ensure that Skärva’s head ended up on a pike.
Not to mention, Skärva just… would never do that. He hasn’t tried love potions on the princess so many times *merely* because he wants to rule Idenau, you know. I’m not saying he has Blank-type levels of adoration, I’m just… saying.
Oh, I figured, as I said, Skarva’s goal isn’t to make everybody lose, it’s to win. I only mentioned it because I thought it was amazingly evil and something Skarva might think up later. And no, I wasn’t suggesting it, I was laughing about the possibility. There’s a reason a good quantity of the protagonists I cheer for are evil aligned.
Yeah, I understand. I too like to explore the “what-ifs.” And I love when you guys speculate about what might happen next.
If Blank is smart, he’ll ditch the potion and just start sword-fighting Skarva right there. But this is a comic about trope parodies, so I’mma guess Blank has all the IQ of a peanut shell.
Aww, he’s got at least one peanut’s worth. Y’know how there’s two peanuts in a shell…
No. Bad Skarva. No evil face until AFTER the plan comes together.
Bad Skärva, go sit in the corner! And no lunchmeat for you!
Wait… DON’T take strange liquids from people making that face? I thought it was a very trustworth face. I mean, I don’t feel anyhxtcguhbjdgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
It was nice knowing you
Finally caught up. I dropped out of reading to focus on classes and I find a huge chunk of backlog for me to roll through. Best arc ever, shame that it’s a foregone conclusion that Skarva will fail… Loved the revelation that Dirk uses Light Magic though, that reminded me of Ganondorf’s Spheres of Painful Light and “Hyrule Tennis”. It really is smart of Skarva to have at least one person who can cast Light magic.
Thanks for coming back! So the threat of classes is past now, I’m guessing?
bwahahhaa how i adore this comic <3 it makes me want to yell at random people to read it while dancing in the streets 83
Oh yay!
I would join you, except nobody wants to see me dance…
Pearl of Wisdom: Only 3 things are ∞(I don’t know how to spell) Space,Human Stupidity and the amount of zubats in a dark cave.
I was right now time to go into hyper thinking mode ..again
My capcha: handfoc thou ● ●
••••••••••••••••′′′′••••••• ▲
Handfoc though? Bahahahaha
The Zubat’s call has been burned into my brain forever… it’s one of the few Pokémon noises I can recall off the top of my head.
@ last panel: That is NOT how you make a poker face Skaerva!
Can’t read my, can’t read my, no he can’t read my SUPER EVIL DOOM FACE
Ok maybe he can.
Su-su-super doom face su-super doom face~
(what’s a “vessel limstand”? My captcha is trying to tell me about them.)
Is it just me, or did the princess spontaneously change into a simpler dress? Where are all the layer-y bits?
It’s a night dress. Skärva let her change into something easier to draw – I mean, more comfortable, for her long sleep. He could have been just a BIT more considerate though… she’s still sleeping on a slab ^_^;
Aww I liked the other dress lol. But this does make sense. And yeah I was wincing over the slab; she’s gonna wake up with a backache.
I love the little pillow for Veronika’s bird. So cute! :3
“….And you get to keep the empty bottle!” That would make Blank go for it for sure. Oh Dear, he’s just a little boy!
exensuin (limos, <—captcha
He really is. Although he’s grown a bit since the last time we’ve seen him, and man. Hormones. Skärva is really counting on hormones for this plan to work.
Curse you hormones making us do stupid things.
Uh, Skarva…
You’ve got a little bloodlust on your face there…